“Yablonka” Welcomes Friends From “Projekt Anna”, Germany

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It is good if you have friends! It’s because of your good and unfailing friends you can say that you are not afraid of any troubles. We are glad that we can call «Projekt Anna» our friend. For several years they help and support us, and every time they visit us it’s a real joy!

During «Projekt Anna» visit to Kaliningrad and our Center, Sergey Kivenko, our director, shared our joy of having so many children coming to «Yablonka» daily. How live children from socially challanged families in Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad Oblast (region), and what our «Yablonka» children do in creativity workshops and other activities we run — this is what we showed our friends from «Projekt Anna».

We told our friends from «Projekt Anna» also about our joy of the upcoming summer programs and projects we are about to start. Very soon we also tell you all about it! :)

The charitable union «Projekt Anna» was based in Munich, Germany, in 2004. The well known Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko supports «Projekt Anna» which aimes to help children in Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad Oblast (region) to get good education and become good people.

From our whole hear we say THANK YOU, «Projekt Anna» for all their help and support! And a very special «thank you» we say to Antonina Lmehova who sent us pictures from this visit!
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