We’ve turned 23. What a date! How many lives and children, how many friends and mates are there in our hearts!’ says Sergey Kivenko, the director of the children social centre Yablonka.
On May 30 the children social centre Yablonka celebrated its birthday and by tradition Children’s Protection Day. 60 children took part in the celebration. Thanks to our volunteers, partners and friends we could have a great party.
Candy floss, a funny entertainer Yana Deskat, a picture contest, an every-ticket-wins lottery, a charity fair, balloons with wishes, and art master classes for children and teenagers… ooh!
We held festive activities for children and teenagers, invited AVVE Project, and gave presents and awarded certificates to our partners.
We would like to wish all our children a good health and warmth. May your dreams come true. May your hearts be full of love and light. We love you so much, we value you, and are proud of each of you, our dearest ones.
We thank the centre’s friends and partners from the bottom of our heart. With your help we can carry out our projects, provide support to families and children, and make plans. Thanks for having faith in us.
Thanks for being by our side.
Nune Shevtsova
Ekaterina Formalnova
Rotary Club Kaliningrad
Oleg A. Aminov, Kaliningrad town council deputy
Profko Foundation
Parus Foundation
Marina Koljada
Kaliningrad Roofer Union
Irina Mudarisova
Alexander Kuznetsov
Rodnoy Kaliningrad Organisation
Kaliningrad branch of the Russian Communist Party
Barin&Barber Barber’s Shop
Happy Smile, centre for family dentistry
Rollersberg Kaliningrad, roller sport school
Laser Strike, a laser strike arena in Kaliningrad
Pervy Gorodskoy Kanal Kaliningrad, a television channel
An initiator group of Russian armed forces veterans
Ramzes Sharashidze
NEW GRACE – boutique of Russian designers
Danke-shop, a charity shop in Kaliningrad
DOBRO, charity needlework
Karina Ananieva, Artyom Ananiev
Baltic Council of War and Labour Veterans in Kaliningrad
Anna Grinn
Aida Artemova
AVVE Project
Marina N. Urykova
Helga Nevermann
Elena Romaniuk
Oksana Babina
Tatiana Tarasenko